This publication provides annual mid-year population estimates for Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2020 areas in Scotland. The population estimates (2011 Data Zone based) are available for each year from 2011 onwards, broken down by single year of age, sex and SIMD decile.
Migration flows for SIMD 2020 areas in Scotland are available broken down by total in, out and net migration and SIMD decile from 2001-02 onwards.
Data zones are ranked from 1 (most deprived) to 6,976 (least deprived) according to the SIMD. Each SIMD decile contains 10 per cent of Scotland’s data zones. So, for example, decile one is made up of the 698 most deprived data zones in Scotland according to SIMD 2020. The figures are based on adding up data zone population estimates from the Small Area Population Estimates (SAPE).
Levels of deprivation in an area change over time. The most deprived data zones in SIMD 2020 may not have been the most deprived data zones in, for example, 2011. These SIMD population estimates show how the populations in the SIMD 2020 deciles have changed over time.
The SIMD presents a picture of multiple deprivation by identifying small area concentrations of multiple deprivation across all of Scotland in a consistent way. The approach used within the SIMD assumes that deprivation is not one dimensional but that there are a number of different aspects that all contribute. More information is available on the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation section of the Scottish Government website.
Maps showing areas with high concentration of multiple deprivation in all local authority areas are available in the SIMD Interactive Mapping section of the Scottish Government website. This includes an interactive mapping tool which will allow users to see the rankings of the SIMD plotted on a map.