The Keeper expects staff creating, or otherwise processing records, to be appropriately trained and supported.
There is repeated examples in this PUR that show this aspect of records management provision is properly considered by Revenue Scotland.
For example: Element 3 notes that “We have also provided awareness raising sessions to staff on the updated Government Security Classifications and we are taking this into account in our daily working arrangements”. (Supported by statement elsewhere, for example in E8).
Element 9 notes that “rolled out data protection training to our non-executive Board and Committee members.” and “Further, we will be sending our Information Governance Manager on a specialist data protection course in the next year.”
This later statement is indicative that the organisation has allocated resources to the continuous professional development of the individual identified, at element 2, as having day-to-day responsibility for records management in the organisation. Incidentally a member of the Keeper’s PRSA Assessment Team met the Information Governance Manager at a training event recently further emphasising that Revenue Scotland provides access to learning opportunities for key information governance staff.
Membership of IRMS must remain a business decision for the authority and/or the Information Governance manager. However, the Keeper’s Assessment Team would like to remind you that many of the IRMS online records management training events are available to non-members free of charge.