New working from home data security checklist created for staff.
Case file management guidance updated.
Case file location audit completed and signed off.
Procedures strengthened for sending/receiving documents (Records management and security guidance), with improved private and confidential labelling.
Ongoing preparations for closure of disc usb drives (secure email or file sharing services such as eRDM Connect used instead).
Cyber Incident Response Plans and Playbooks approved in Q2.
Achieved Cyber Essentials re-accreditation in Q3, meeting the new requirements for MFA being enabled for cloud admin accounts.
Simulated phishing exercises continued in Q4 as part of the think before you click campaign.
Cyber security training session for staff on how to spot phishing emails.
Cyber resilience and business continuity sessions attended by key staff.
Key staff attended ‘exercise in a box’ session on digital supply chain attacks.
Online safety and password session for staff.
Completion of phase 1 of drive management change programme, which involved the removal of documents from the H:drive.