We can change or correct entries recorded in our registers.
If you want to correct an error in a record, this is a correction. For example, correcting a spelling error.
If you want to add or remove information from a birth or stillbirth record, this is called re-registration. For example, if you want to add a father to a birth entry.
Once an entry has been made in our registers, it:
- sits as a public record (with the exception of the Stillbirth register)
- will usually remain unchanged.
However, we can sometimes correct information found to have been incorrect at the time of registration.
We maintain a Register of Corrections Etc in which amendments to the other registers can be entered.
Requesting a correction
You can request a correction if you:
- registered an event
- believe that the entry contains information that was incorrect at the time it was registered
To do this, contact us.
What re-registration is
Re-registration is the creation of a new birth or stillbirth entry. This could be to:
- add the natural father’s/parent's details
- change parentage details
- add the parents’ marriage or civil partnership details, if it took place after the birth was registered
Re-registration can take place in any Scottish registration office. It does not need to be carried out at the office where the original birth was registered.
There is no fee for re-registration. However, if parents wish to purchase an extract (certificate) of the new birth entry the usual extract fees apply.
When to apply for re-registration
A birth or still-birth registered in Scotland can be re-registered if the entry in the register of births:
- is affected by any matter concerning their parentage e.g. the entry does not contain the father/parent’s details
- shows or implies that they were found exposed (abandoned)
- shows or implies that their parents were not married to each other or parties to a civil partnership at the time of their birth but their parents have subsequently married or registered their civil partnership
Re-registration to add a date and place of marriage can be completed at any registration office in Scotland, either in person or remotely over the phone.
Who can apply for re-registration
If you want to add an unmarried father/parent’s details to a birth or stillbirth, the child’s mother must consent to the re-registration. This is the case even if the child is over 16 years old.
How to apply for re-registration
Complete and return the application form RR1.
You also need to send us 2 declaration forms. The forms you need are different, depending on who is applying.
You should complete and return both:
You also need to have an authorised witness sign these. The same person cannot be a witness for both forms. You'll need 2 different people.
Form 27 can be witnessed by a registrar in any registration office in Scotland.
Form DPM can be witnessed by a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public or other person authorised by law to administer oaths.
You should complete and return both:
You also need to have an authorised witness sign these. The same person cannot be a witness for both forms. You'll need 2 different people.
Form 26 can be witnessed by a registrar in any registration office in Scotland.
Form DPF can be witnessed by a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public or other person authorised by law to administer oaths.
You'll also need to have a witness sign your declaration form on the same date as the applicant does.
If you are unsure which forms you need to complete, you can contact:
Re-register a birth using a Court Order
If a court has granted a decree of paternity, this can be used to:
- add the father/parent to the birth entry
- make reference to the decree
The child’s mother must also request that the father/parent’s details be included in the birth entry by:
- ensuring that the RR1 form is completed
- acting as informant to the re-registered birth entry (or by providing a written request for the father/parents details to be included on the birth entry)
Change a child's name to the same as their father/parent
This can be achieved through re-registration. No changes of forename can be permitted through this process unless:
- the child had the mother’s surname
- you now wish to include the mother’s surname as a forename
If you want to change the child’s forename, this can be done through our change of name process.