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Life Expectancy for areas in Scotland, 2008-2010

Table 5 Abridged life table, by sex, age and SIMD2009 deprivation decile, Scotland, 2008-2010

Scotland1 1 (Most Deprived) 2 3 4
Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females
lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo
0 100,000 75.85 100,000 80.43 100,000 68.25 100,000 75.67 100,000 71.63 100,000 77.57 100,000 72.96 100,000 78.82 100,000 74.58 100,000 79.32
1 99,561 75.18 99,653 79.71 99,458 67.62 99,559 75.01 99,626 70.90 99,638 76.85 99,427 72.38 99,652 78.09 99,421 74.01 99,513 78.71
5 99,486 71.23 99,586 75.76 99,394 63.66 99,423 71.11 99,564 66.94 99,561 72.91 99,313 68.46 99,580 74.15 99,339 70.07 99,476 74.74
10 99,425 66.28 99,551 70.79 99,317 58.71 99,388 66.13 99,504 61.98 99,524 67.93 99,235 63.51 99,527 69.19 99,287 65.11 99,435 69.77
15 99,381 61.31 99,493 65.83 99,229 53.76 99,318 61.18 99,457 57.01 99,513 62.94 99,187 58.54 99,463 64.23 99,252 60.13 99,335 64.84
20 99,077 56.49 99,332 60.93 98,800 48.98 99,097 56.31 98,985 52.27 99,314 58.06 98,797 53.76 99,321 59.32 98,916 55.32 99,114 59.98
25 98,649 51.72 99,153 56.04 98,022 44.35 98,806 51.47 98,480 47.53 99,026 53.22 98,176 49.09 99,103 54.44 98,487 50.55 98,934 55.08
30 98,044 47.02 98,942 51.15 96,737 39.91 98,322 46.71 97,636 42.91 98,666 48.41 97,442 44.44 98,945 49.52 97,937 45.82 98,698 50.21
35 97,248 42.39 98,585 46.33 94,845 35.65 97,526 42.07 96,404 38.43 98,118 43.66 96,345 39.91 98,547 44.71 97,083 41.20 98,305 45.40
40 96,257 37.80 98,097 41.55 92,388 31.54 96,485 37.49 94,748 34.06 97,321 39.00 95,031 35.43 97,908 39.99 96,078 36.61 97,839 40.60
45 94,983 33.27 97,373 36.84 89,008 27.64 95,127 32.99 92,491 29.83 96,096 34.47 93,179 31.09 96,992 35.34 94,557 32.16 97,063 35.91
50 93,277 28.83 96,336 32.21 85,045 23.81 93,262 28.60 89,503 25.74 94,396 30.04 91,082 26.74 95,690 30.79 92,525 27.81 95,871 31.32
55 90,720 24.58 94,663 27.73 79,713 20.24 90,365 24.44 85,369 21.87 91,877 25.80 87,569 22.72 93,541 26.44 89,714 23.60 93,775 26.97
60 86,943 20.54 92,182 23.41 72,568 16.98 85,444 20.70 79,763 18.23 88,003 21.82 82,665 18.92 90,679 22.20 85,211 19.72 90,940 22.73
65 81,416 16.76 88,335 19.32 63,656 14.01 79,439 17.08 72,131 14.89 82,529 18.10 75,587 15.45 85,409 18.41 78,985 16.08 86,668 18.73
70 73,137 13.37 82,499 15.51 52,037 11.58 70,172 14.01 61,656 12.00 75,309 14.60 65,789 12.38 78,337 14.85 70,136 12.79 80,377 15.00
75 61,843 10.36 73,802 12.04 39,634 9.42 59,279 11.12 49,213 9.40 64,999 11.52 53,816 9.58 68,258 11.67 58,144 9.91 71,117 11.62
80 47,074 7.83 60,939 9.06 26,973 7.67 45,925 8.63 34,790 7.26 51,318 8.93 39,039 7.26 55,094 8.86 42,404 7.66 57,485 8.79
85 29,598 5.97 43,520 6.68 15,287 6.62 30,415 6.75 20,156 5.71 35,249 6.85 23,263 5.49 38,581 6.59 26,251 5.84 39,729 6.60


Table 5 (continued)

5 6 7 8 9
Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females
lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo lx exo
0 100,000 75.71 100,000 80.15 100,000 76.79 100,000 80.92 100,000 78.24 100,000 82.06 100,000 79.18 100,000 82.27 100,000 80.33 100,000 83.50
1 99,511 75.08 99,629 79.45 99,585 76.11 99,697 80.17 99,519 77.62 99,633 81.36 99,707 78.41 99,695 81.52 99,702 79.57 99,811 82.66
5 99,475 71.11 99,579 75.49 99,488 72.19 99,646 76.21 99,414 73.70 99,584 77.40 99,674 74.43 99,660 77.55 99,630 75.62 99,738 78.72
10 99,399 66.16 99,540 70.52 99,373 67.27 99,619 71.23 99,390 68.71 99,558 72.42 99,583 69.50 99,624 72.58 99,596 70.65 99,738 73.72
15 99,319 61.21 99,467 65.57 99,328 62.30 99,491 66.32 99,369 63.73 99,502 67.46 99,531 64.53 99,613 67.59 99,586 65.65 99,694 68.75
20 98,967 56.42 99,293 60.68 98,969 57.51 99,326 61.42 99,124 58.88 99,329 62.57 99,321 59.67 99,468 62.68 99,448 60.74 99,603 63.81
25 98,551 51.65 99,121 55.78 98,564 52.74 99,179 56.51 98,697 54.12 99,134 57.69 99,027 54.84 99,317 57.77 99,250 55.86 99,562 58.83
30 98,057 46.89 98,968 50.86 97,903 48.08 98,964 51.63 98,221 49.37 99,042 52.74 98,710 50.00 99,191 52.84 99,015 50.98 99,468 53.89
35 97,453 42.17 98,635 46.03 97,362 43.33 98,720 46.75 97,759 44.59 98,873 47.83 98,195 45.25 98,972 47.95 98,723 46.13 99,259 48.99
40 96,595 37.52 98,225 41.21 96,619 38.64 98,344 41.92 97,139 39.86 98,437 43.03 97,630 40.50 98,662 43.10 98,248 41.34 99,050 44.09
45 95,430 32.95 97,510 36.49 95,620 34.02 97,681 37.19 96,326 35.18 97,948 38.23 97,118 35.70 98,289 38.25 97,752 36.54 98,591 39.29
50 93,980 28.42 96,482 31.85 94,309 29.46 96,728 32.53 95,094 30.60 97,225 33.49 96,089 31.06 97,589 33.51 96,828 31.86 97,964 34.52
55 91,311 24.18 94,647 27.42 91,992 25.14 95,145 28.03 93,394 26.11 96,078 28.86 94,515 26.53 96,437 28.88 95,422 27.29 97,006 29.84
60 87,371 20.15 92,086 23.12 88,751 20.97 92,954 23.63 90,677 21.82 94,403 24.33 91,927 22.21 94,424 24.44 93,317 22.85 95,563 25.25
65 81,731 16.37 88,155 19.03 83,445 17.14 89,525 19.44 86,195 17.83 91,200 20.10 88,220 18.04 91,433 20.16 89,746 18.66 93,084 20.86
70 73,562 12.91 82,462 15.18 76,099 13.55 84,279 15.49 79,171 14.18 86,041 16.15 81,955 14.22 87,108 16.03 83,617 14.85 88,920 16.72
75 61,611 9.93 73,376 11.75 65,719 10.30 75,651 11.97 68,796 10.95 78,716 12.42 72,174 10.81 80,217 12.20 73,700 11.51 82,062 12.90
80 46,308 7.39 59,725 8.86 50,520 7.65 63,374 8.81 54,335 8.20 66,457 9.25 57,811 7.88 68,457 8.86 60,078 8.55 70,309 9.64
85 27,603 5.70 42,642 6.41 30,789 5.94 45,262 6.33 35,844 6.13 48,344 6.79 38,240 5.63 49,642 6.27 40,679 6.43 52,627 7.04


Table 5 (continued)

10 (Least Deprived)
Males Females
lx exo lx exo
0 100,000 81.38 100,000 84.64
1 99,730 80.60 99,775 83.83
5 99,642 76.67 99,709 79.89
10 99,631 71.67 99,647 74.94
15 99,610 66.69 99,614 69.96
20 99,468 61.78 99,528 65.02
25 99,293 56.89 99,451 60.07
30 99,038 52.03 99,394 55.10
35 98,773 47.16 99,210 50.20
40 98,316 42.37 98,962 45.32
45 97,899 37.54 98,548 40.50
50 97,094 32.83 97,984 35.72
55 96,062 28.15 97,113 31.01
60 94,104 23.69 95,822 26.40
65 90,856 19.44 93,664 21.95
70 85,288 15.55 90,018 17.74
75 76,996 11.95 84,522 13.73
80 63,996 8.88 74,564 10.23
85 45,157 6.53 57,792 7.47

1 Please note that the Scotland-level life expectancy estimate shown here is for use only as a comparator for the corresponding sub-Scotland-level figures. The definitive Scotland-level life expectancy estimate (based on interim life tables) is published by the Office for National Statistics: National Statistics Online - Interim Life tables.

Note: This abridged life table is constructed from the estimated population in 2008, 2009 and 2010 and the total number of deaths registered in these years. The column headed lx shows the numbers who would survive to the exact age of x out of 100,000 persons who, from birth, were subject to the mortality probabilities indicated by the death records for 2008-2010. Column exo shows the expectation of life, that is, the average number of years of life left to persons aged exactly x who are subject to the 2008-2010 mortality probabilities from age x onwards.

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