National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

Requesting and Using Copies of Our Records

Requesting and Using Copies of Our Records

If you wish to request copies of records, please email [email protected] , providing the document reference(s). 

Please take note of the following, which forms part of our Conditions of Access:

  • We are currently unable to offer printing facilities and will update when this changes.
  • You may be permitted to carry out self-service photography, provided that there are no restrictions and certain conditions are met. You must speak with staff first to check whether a collection may be photographed.
  • Where NRS supplies copies, readers must undertake that any copies delivered by NRS by any method and in any format will not be broadcast, retransmitted or copied (other than to enable a single copy on paper to be printed from a digital image supplied by NRS) without first getting written permission from NRS and/or from the owner of the original item as applicable.
  • Staff will advise where permission is required in order for copies to be supplied.
  • Some collections have publication restrictions placed on them. Staff will advise you about applying for permission to publish information from such collections and about the form of acknowledgement to be made.
  • Records may be unsuitable for copying on grounds of physical condition or format. Staff will advise you if this is the case.
  • If you hope to publish information from a collection where there are no special restrictions, you may still need permission. Contact NRS staff for advice.
  • NRS reserves the right to charge a fee for any use of information or images taken from records in its care which is beyond the purpose of private study, e.g. publication or broadcast.

Our copyright guidance has been withdrawn pending legislative changes.

Checking copyright is your responsibility. NRS staff are unable to provide legal advice on copyright. We administer a blanket rule of no self-service photography of any published works, including library books, to prevent any infringement.