National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

About Vital Events Reference Tables

About Vital Events Reference Tables

Since 1855 the Registrar General of Scotland has, under statute, produced an annual report containing a general abstract of the numbers of births, deaths, and marriages registered during the foregoing year.

In 2001 the annual report was given a major makeover. This was to produce a shorter easier to read report, in colour, with additional commentary and charts. To reflect the change in content and style, the title of the Report was changed to 'Scotland's Population - the Registrar General's Annual Review of Demographic Trends'.

View the reference tables published as a companion to 'Scotland's Population - The Registrar General's Annual Review of Demographic Trends' from 2001 up the latest edition from our Vital Events Reference Tables page. 

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