National Records of Scotland

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Life Expectancy in Special Areas, 2004-2006



Table 1

Abridged life table, by sex, age and Urban/Rural classification, Scotland 2004-2006


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Table 2

Abridged life table, by sex, age and deprivation decile, Scotland 2004-2006


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Table 3

Abridged life table, by sex, age and deprivation quintile, Scotland 2004-2006


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Table 4

Abridged life table, by sex, age and deprivation vigintile, Scotland 2004-2006


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Table 5

Abridged life table, by sex, age and Community Health Partnership, Scotland 2004-2006


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Table 6

Life expectancy at birth in Scotland 2004-2006 by Urban/Rural classification, Scotland 2004-2006, with 95% upper and lower confidence intervals (Males and Females)


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Table 7

Life expectancy at birth in Scotland 2004-2006 by SIMD2006 Quintile, Decile and Vigintile, with 95% upper and lower confidence intervals (Males and Females)


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Table 8

Life expectancy at birth by Community Health Partnership 2004-2006, with 95% upper and lower confidence intervals (Males and Females)


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