National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future

Historical Sub-National Population Projections data

Historical Sub-National Population Projections data

Mid-year population estimates - age distribution errors - 1 October 2015

We became aware of errors mainly affecting the age distribution of the mid-year population estimates for 2002 to 2014. This is because of an issue with an input data set used in the calculation of the mid-year estimates, as well as minor unrelated processing errors. Full details of the errors can be found in the Population section of this website. The projections have not been corrected.


Some of these publications were migrated from our previous website. Please be aware that some of the links within the documents may be broken.

If your require any further assistance please contact our Statistics Customer Services.
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Council and NHS Board areas

2014-based Population Projections for Scottish Areas Includes principal and variant population projections by age and sex for council, NHS Board, Strategic Development Plan (SDP) and National Park (NP) areas.


2012-based Population Projections for Scottish Areas Includes seven variant population projections at Council and NHS Board area level.


2010-based Population Projections for Scottish Areas Includes seven variant population projections at Council and NHS Board area level.


2008-based Population Projections for Scottish Areas

2008-based Variant Population Projections for Scottish Areas

2006-based Population Projections for Scottish Areas


2004-based Population Projections for Scottish Areas

Population Projections Scotland (2002-based) - Population projections by sex, age and administrative area

Population Projections Scotland (2000-based) - Population projections by sex, age and administrative area

Revised 1994-based Sub-National Population Projections


Strategic Development Plan (SDP) Areas and National Parks (NP)

Population Projections for Scotland’s Strategic Development Plan Areas and National Parks (2012-based) Includes High and Low Migration Variants


Population Projections for Scotland’s Strategic Development Plan Areas and National Parks (2010-based)

Population Projections for Scotland’s Strategic Development Plan Areas and National Parks (2008-based)


Variant Population Projections for Scotland’s Strategic Development Plan Areas and National Parks (2008-based)


Population and Household Projections for Scotland’s Strategic Development Planning Areas (2006-based)


Population and Household Projections for Scotland's National Parks (2006-based)



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