There are many varied types of consultation. However, in general our consultation exercises aim to provide opportunities for all those who wish to express their opinions on a proposed area of our work, to do so in ways which will inform and enhance that work.
Please go to the About our Consultations page for further information.
Current Consultations
There are no current consultations.
Published Analysis Reports
User Consultation on Vital Events Statistics - Analysis of Responses (PDF 36 Kb)
Demographic Statistics Products Consultation – Analysis of Responses (PDF 520 Kb)
Demography Statistical Work Programme - Analysis of Responses (PDF 475 Kb)
Registration of Births and Stillbirths - Analysis of Responses (PDF 166 Kb)
Actions from Consultations
Vital Events Reference Tables, Deaths from selected causes and Drugs Related deaths
Following the Consultation on the timings of Vital Events statistics publications the publication date of the vital events reference tables and deaths from selected causes will be brought forward to the final week of June. Drug-related deaths will be published in mid-July.
Births, Deaths and Other Vital Events - Preliminary Annual Figures
The National Records of Scotland publication Births, Deaths and Other Vital Events - Preliminary Annual Figures will no longer be produced following the Consultation on the timings of Vital Events statistics publications. Further details can be found in the User Consultation on Vital Events Statistics - Analysis of Resoponse document above.
Marital Status Population Estimates
The National Records of Scotland publication Marital Status Population Estimates for Scotland had not been updated since 2009. Following consultations with users it was discovered they were not being widely used. Therefore it was decided to stop producing these statistics.
Closed Consultations
Consultation on the timings of Vital Events statistics publications
National Records of Scotland were seeking your views on the timings of Vital Events statistics publications (PDF 165Kb). The closing date for responses was 7 December 2017.
Scotland’s Census 2021 Topic Consultation
The National Records of Scotland were seeking your views on the topics to be included in Scotland’s Census 2021 questionnaire. The input received will inform our planning for the next census in 2021. The closing date for responses was 15 January 2016.
The Topic Consultation report is now available on Scotland’s Census website.
Scotland’s Census 2011 User Satisfaction Survey
The National Records of Scotland were seeking your views about Scotland’s Census 2011: what worked well, do you find it easy to access the data and what could we do better? The input received will inform our planning for the next census in 2021. The closing date for responses was 21 July 2015.
An analysis of the User Satisfaction Survey can be found on Scotland’s Census website.
Consultation on the National Records of Scotland’s Demographic Statistics Products
The National Records of Scotland (NRS) were seeking your views both to inform potential reductions to some of its Demographic Statistics outputs and to identify ways in which its other outputs might be improved. This consultation did not cover Census products. The closing date for responses was 22 April 2015.
Demographic Statistics Products Consultation Form (Portable Document Format (PDF) 591 Kb)
Quarterly Releases for estimates of:
Population By Country of Birth and Nationality for Scottish Areas; and
Migration between Scotland and the rest of the UK
The National Records of Scotland (NRS) reviewed its quarterly outputs for estimates of Population by Country of Birth and Nationality for Scottish areas and Migration between Scotland and the Rest of the UK to ensure they met user requirements. Only one reply was received and it was decided to publish both publications on an annual basis rather than quarterly. The closing date for responses was 13 September 2012.
Population and Migration Consultation Form (Portable Document Format (PDF) 166 Kb)
Census Consultations
Consultations relating to the census can be found on the census website.
NRS Responses to External Consultations
Demographic Trends in Scotland – Response to Infrastructure Commission Call for Evidence – May 2019
Additional Information
A list of common definitions and acronyms used in these documents is available on our Glossary page
If you have any queries about the consultation process please contact Statistics Customer Services.
E-mail: [email protected]
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