National Records of Scotland

Preserving the past, Recording the present, Informing the future


Tuesday, 13 Jun 2023

Scotland’s death rate was six per cent higher than the five year average for the first quarter of 2023, according to new analysis by the National Records of Scotland. 

Friday, 2 Jun 2023

The Declaration of Arbroath goes on display at the National Museum of Scotland tomorrow (Saturday 3 June) for the first time in 18 years.

Thursday, 25 May 2023

The mortality rate for April 2023 was 3% higher than the five year average for this time of year, according to provisional data from National Records of Scotland. 

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

A trio convicted of snatching corpses from a Midlothian graveyard are among the thousands of prisoners whose records can now be searched on the ScotlandsPeople website. 

Friday, 5 May 2023

It's just four weeks to go until the Declaration of Arbroath – the most famous document in National Records of Scotland collections - makes its first public appearance in 18 years.

The Declaration will be displayed from 3 June – 2 July  2023 at the National Museum of Scotland.

Thursday, 20 Apr 2023

The number of registered voters in Scotland for UK Parliamentary elections was stable in 2022, according to statistics published today by National Records of Scotland (NRS). 

There were 4,012,700 registered voters last December, down 0.4% on the previous year. 

Thursday, 20 Apr 2023

The mortality rate for March 2023 was 4% higher than the five year average for this time of year, according to new analysis from the National Records of Scotland. 

Thursday, 6 Apr 2023

New photographs of the Declaration of Arbroath have been published by National Records of Scotland, ahead of the famous document going on display in June 2023.

These never-before-seen photographs are being made available to mark its 703rd anniversary. 

Thursday, 30 Mar 2023

Noah has knocked Jack off the top of the baby name chart according to new figures from National Records of Scotland. 

Thursday, 16 Mar 2023

The number of deaths in February was similar to average levels, representing the lowest level of excess deaths for a year, according to new statistics from National Records of Scotland. 

Tuesday, 14 Mar 2023

There were almost 16,000 more deaths than births registered in Scotland in 2022, according to new figures released by National Records of Scotland. 

Provisional figures show there were 62,942 deaths but only 46,959 births. 

Thursday, 9 Mar 2023

The Declaration of Arbroath will be displayed at the National Museum of Scotland this summer for the first time in 18 years. The display has been organised in partnership between National Museums Scotland and National Records of Scotland, who are custodians of the document. The famous document will be on show from 3 June to 2 July 2023. 

Monday, 20 Feb 2023

National Records of Scotland has launched a survey to seek customer views on its services and products.

Thursday, 16 Feb 2023

As at 12 February 2023, 16,780 deaths have been registered in Scotland where the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was mentioned on the death certificate, according to statistics published today by National Records of Scotland (NRS).

Wednesday, 15 Feb 2023

Janet Egdell will take up the post of Interim Chief Executive from 20th February.

Janet is currently accountable officer at Registers of Scotland and will bring a wealth of experience to the role.

Tuesday, 14 Feb 2023

The selection of romantic letters of former Prime Minister Arthur Balfour’s parents are being published online for Valentine’s Day by National Records of S

Thursday, 19 Jan 2023

As at 15 January 2023, 16,568 deaths have been registered in Scotland where the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was mentioned on the death certificate, according to statistics published today by National Records of Scotland (NRS).

Sunday, 1 Jan 2023

Files to be opened for the first time by National Records of Scotland will be made available online this week, revealing the content of Scottish Cabinet discussions in 2007.

Thursday, 22 Dec 2022

Just in time for Christmas, analysts at the National Records of Scotland have found Mary was the top name for girls and women in Scotland’s Census 1921.

Thursday, 15 Dec 2022

As at 11 December 2022, 16,213 deaths have been registered in Scotland where the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was mentioned on the death certificate, according to statistics published today by National Records of Scotland (NRS).


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